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2 whistles sound signifying the measured time during which the team members have used all the means at their disposal to secure the area in order to extract the dummy-victim from the vehicle as quickly as possible. Equipped with mechanical cutting pliers, the roadside rescue teams first implemented the Rescuestep® extrication platform in order to be able to cut the sheet metal, gain access to the passenger compartment and provide assistance. The extrication platform is equipped with 2 climbing plans with risers and level compensators, which can support a weight of 750 kg and secure the intervention teams thanks to the 2 folding guardrails. The width and guardrail of the platform allow firefighters and rescue teams to move easily and safely on damaged vehicles.
Beyond the impressive scenario, it is a question of showing the technique and the mastery of the professionals in this particular context!
Find all the information about the VSR Rescuestep® platform on the product sheet.
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