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AUDINNOV works with the Fire and Rescue Service in Saône et Loire

The Chalon Sur Saône fire Brigade

The Chalon-sur-Saône fire brigade is testing the use of the Pyros® CCA3.

In July 2020, we had the chance to attend a training and testing session of our products at the SDIS 71 fire station in Chalon-sur-Saône.

For the deployment of this CCA 3 TGMP (Very Large Model), a collective commitment of 4 firefighters is mandatory for this high risk manoeuvre. The Pyros® CCA3 is 6m long when deployed and can reach heights of up to 14m when deployed!

An impressive set-up due to the precision of the movements and the access heights that rescuers are confronted with in their daily work.

Find all the information about the Pyros® CCA3-6 on the product sheet and the operational techniques guide on the DGSCGC website.